Adjusting to Fall, Preparing for Winter
I find myself amazed (again!) at the way my natural inclinations follow the unfolding of the seasons.
For instance, for the last few weeks I've felt it's time to reflect on the past 6 months or so.
Low and behold I found this blog post reminding me (and you!) of the harvesting traditions of this season.
We can harvest our goodness just like we harvest corn and squash.
How are you and those around you different than 6 months ago? How have surroundings or circumstances changed? How have you been asked to grow?
I've also been noticing a strong urge to adjust routines.
One example: After over 2 years of writing to you weekly, I sense it's time to tweak that a bit. Every other week feels more fitting right now.
Here's why:
Real transformation unfolds with a mix of insight and action. But it's not a hustle or a grind.
It has equal parts longing and surrender.
I want my notes to you to call forth something true and helpful for you.
AND it's important to me that they don't add to the hustle. Yours or mine.
As the natural world started to slow down for winter, I think it helped me notice the calling to "slow down" here as well.
This reassessment of routines, what matters, or how to serve - this is also a seasonal tradition.
We mirror nature by changing priorities and patterns to better suit the approaching winter.
Do you notice any nudges to adjust your routines? Shift around priorities? Or change your pace?
I'm delighted to notice that these inclinations I feel inside me bear some connection to the rhythms of the natural world.
And I'd love to hear what you are noticing wants to be harvested or changed for the season ahead!
Much love,
Marijke Ocean