Are you cut out for a purposeful career?
I used to think maybe I wasn't cut out for a purposeful career.
I believed that people did have meaningful and purposeful work. In fact, I could really feel it when someone was passionate and committed and totally in the flow. And it was inspiring. I wanted it.
But, I had a suspicion that it wasn't for me.
I was a little too practical, a little too realistic... a little too scientific.
I had long decided work might not feel purposeful all the time. But then at some point I hit a work-related rock bottom. Work was draining life out of me - not just at work but also at home. I decided something needed to change. If it didn't feel purposeful, at least it needed to feel authentic.
I didn't have any clarity about what would come next. But I started to re-engage the possibility that work could be something more. Something that gave life rather than took it.
Along the way, I had waves of optimism and ground swells of fear. I grieved, I dreamed, I planned, I took many tiny steps...and one day realized: I was living life on purpose.
I share all of this with you to say ... if you feel disengaged, low excitement, undervalued... you don't have to wait for a rock bottom.
You can take steps now to bring aliveness back into your work.
Having a community & accountability really helps.
Consider joining a group coaching series I'm starting in April - specifically for people who want more engagement and meaning professionally but aren't sure what's next.
Here are the details:
A Practical Path to Passion & Purpose.
A 5 week group coaching series for people who want to create a purposeful vision for their career.
The activities we do together help you:
Identify your unique fingerprint for engagement and "aliveness."
Refine your picture of the future - a long-term direction that feels meaningful & significant.
Map out steps to create the future you've envisioned.
Build connections with like-minded people.
Create consistent space and time - and accountability - to dedicate towards this vision.
Our professional lives have changed a lot over the last 3 years - and we have changed - so re-establishing the path forward is a common desire for people. You may crave this within your current organization and profession...or perhaps you sense an even bigger change is afoot! There is room for both of those possibilities in the group work we'll do.
Some logistics:
The program runs for 5 weeks.
5 1-hour group coaching calls each week, via zoom. (Exact dates and times will be determined with input from participants).
2 Office Hours calls for additional integration and customization of the tools we use each week! These are also helpful if you think you might miss one of the group calls - we can use some of that time to catch you up.
You can also add an individual strategy session to further customize the intention, tools, and follow through to you.
I'd love to have you join us!
Marijke Ocean
P.S. Want to talk more about the program and see if it's a good fit? Just contact me here and we can grab a few minutes to chat.
P.P.S. Know anyone feeling this way? Introduce us via email. Or, pass this along and invite them to email me! I'm happy to help them gauge whether the timing is right for this!