Would you like to supersize that?

Alright so a few weeks back I burst a bubble about time. I told you that I had it on pretty good authority that more time is not going to solve your problems. If you missed it, you can read it here.

If you've been curious about a new way to think about productivity and time... you may have started to bump into other, related beliefs.

For instance: Growth. We are a society obsessed with growth.

  • "If you aren't growing, you're dying."

  • "More is better."

  • "Better, faster, stronger."

  • "Year over year growth targets."

  • "Would you like to supersize that?"

A client of mine recently came to her session feeling dazed - she'd been obsessing about her "better, faster, stronger" targets and forgot the point of it all. You know, important things like: Why did they hire me? Who are we helping? What do I like about this work?

If you are like her, you may have a nagging question in the back of your mind, like: "hmm, something is not quite right about all the 'go big or go home' stuff...but I can't even imagine a world designed any other way?"

Enter this very interesting perspective from renegade economist Kate Raworth.

She proposes a new way to think about growing sustainably called...Doghnut Economics.

She also shares some inspiring and eye opening information about the origins of burnout and "retail therapy."

Check it out!


Marijke Ocean


Habit-Changing Tricks


Geeky Planning Fun