3 leadership strategies for the rhythm of summer

At the change of the seasons I like to pause and reflect on what I can learn about my own energy and inclinations by checking into the rhythm and temperament of the natural world.

Summer is when all of the natural world is most active and on display. It’s showy, dramatic, colorful, loud, proud. I also think of summer as confident, action oriented, ambitious. Everything in the natural world is fully engaged in living.

I noticed about a month ago that my kids started to talk more, louder, faster. It got harder for them to sit through dinner.

Perhaps you notice this in meetings at work as much as at the dinner table.

I felt more agitated too – everything seemed to be moving faster and I wanted to control it!

I was fighting against the energy of summer. As soon as I noticed it, I became curious about how I could actually adjust into the summer rhythm. It’s been so fun to consciously become a part of it. Here are some ideas:

  1. Embrace an ambitious goal. Let the industriousness and optimism of summer help you suspend disbelief and take meaningful steps towards the goal. Find joy in the process in itself. What might you learn from engaging in the project regardless of whether you achieve an ideal end state? Could working together with others be part of the reward? Can you rally together around the spirit of ambition rather than requiring practicality?

  2. Change an old pattern. Change is already in the air. Perhaps you’ve been dreaming up a new vision for how you might interact with your team. Or you’ve noticed the way others interact with their clients and you want to make some changes in your approach. Let the momentum of summer propel you into action. Each moment you can begin again in a new way.

  3. Be bold. Many of us find ways to hide. Perhaps we literally silence ourselves. Or we push others into the spotlight. Maybe you subdue your natural style concerned it is too much for others to handle. Notice the safety created for you by all the boldness of summer. Find spots where you can be bigger, let yourself expand, do things that might get noticed.

Have you noticed any changes in yourself or the people around you as we ease our way into summer?

Share whatever you are noticing and any challenges you are facing with me via email. Let's see if we can come up with some creative ideas together to make sense of it all!

Much love,

Marijke Ocean

P.S. I did a few things to adjust to the summer energy before I could really embrace it. If you still feel a bit resistant to all the exuberance, feel free to contact me and I will share a few ideas. Hint: It's ok to need to funnel some of all this new found energy in specific directions. It doesn't need to be a free for all!


My Summer Reading List


How can I confuse myself about this?