Are you craving this too?

My husband and kids like to watch music videos and recordings of live performances together on YouTube.

I was enjoying this scene unfold over the weekend and found myself curious about why we love music. And, how universal this impulse is to create, listen, and participate in music.

I'm sure there are lots of fascinating answers to this wonder-type question.

But this weekend I was struck by the awe-some flow and creativity we get to feel as we watch musicians share their talent.

Certainly one reason we are drawn to music is because we crave the feeling of flow and creativity in our lives.

Watching these performers you can feel and see them tapped into something we know about but don't necessarily feel ourselves in daily life.

As my daughters got up and danced - I could see them looking to experience that flow themselves.

As I talk to my clients - I hear that same secret longing implied in their words...

"Life feels flat, dull." "Everything feels hard"

"This job is a 'good' job, but something is missing."

"I want more ease." "I want to know this is headed somewhere purposeful, meaningful."

"I want more playfulness."

We are all craving more creativity and flow.

I consider this a skillful craving. A longing for something wholesome and true.

And I am on a mission to help us all return to the place inside us that flows.

I myself have been down a path that looked good-ish on the outside but felt incredibly unfulfilling. For me this dull, effort-filled existence slowly drained all that play, creativity, and liveliness out of - not just work - but home & friendships too.

Tapping back into whatever gives you that feeling of flow is perhaps the most important thing you can do for yourself, for your loved ones, and for your contribution in the world.

Seeing the incredible impact of this transformation in my own life and in the lives of my clients is one of the reasons that I am so deeply moved by this quote:

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

— Howard Thurman

If you are looking for a roadmap back to ease, creativity, meaning...and aliveness!...

Reach out to me for a free Explore Coaching session. We’ll talk about group and individual coaching options and figure out what will serve you best!

Also...go watch a youtube video of someone gifted making music. See if it feels good to you!


Marijke Ocean


When willpower isn't enough, try this.


Getting Things Done