Getting Things Done
Time & productivity are always hot topics.
I sometimes hesitate to write too much about them because as I’ve told you before…I think we tend to overestimate how more time or productivity will solve bigger challenges - like a lack of purpose, engagement or vitality.
(Also, I think we can get addicted to action - masking some of those same big questions about meaning & purpose.)
That being said, I am pragmatic to my core.
A small improvement here or there…is still an improvement.
And, we aren’t always tackling deep questions of meaning or aliveness.
Sometimes we just need a little tweak to make life better! Sometimes trying new productivity strategies & tips is FUN!
So today, I thought I’d share with you 3 of my favorite books that directly tackle work habits, productivity, and time management.
They are classics for a reason...and a lot of the best ideas I read about from others have a foundation in these 3 books:
I’d love it if you share your favorites back with me!
Marijke Ocean
P.S. One of my favorite workshops to lead is called “Radical Productivity”. In the session we strike a balance between finding these incremental improvements and really solving deeper systemic issues that impact productivity.
If you are looking for a speaker, contact me here and let’s talk!