Is it time to recommit?
Imagine yourself on a low stakes walk around your neighborhood.
One third of the way through, a section of sidewalk is dug up for repair.
You have to walk around.
Do you consider quitting the walk altogether?
Is the universe sending you a sign that you shouldn't be on this walk?
Do you feel disrespected or betrayed by your neighbors for this inconvenience...and plan your revenge?
My guess is that - unless you've already had a real $hi!!y day - you calmly walk around the construction and keep on truckin'.
You recommit to your walk. You make an adjustment for the obstacle and keep at it.
I find the concept of commit is much more useful as a verb.
An act that we choose again and again.
Rather than a state or trait (as in, "commitment").
If you are working towards a transformation don't be surprised if you must commit to it again and again.
This is the nature of things. Life throws us lots of surprises.
Each time we adjust, we recommit.
We sometimes get confused about this. We commit to change or transform...and then we find ourselves doing the opposite of what we said we would do.
What are we to make of this?
Clients share this sort of inner dialogue with me:
Sucked into another work fire drill that derailed your week? "Maybe I should quit this job after all...I'm just not cut out for this!"
A key player on the team resigned? "...This is a sign from the universe that I should change our focus for the year entirely."
Argued with your spouse about the same thing...again...for the millionth time? " I can't make this new communication technique work, let me find a new strategy to read (aka obsess) about all week."
Any of this sound familiar?
Through a process of self-reflection - alone or with a trusted guide - you can discover the habitual ways you abandon or collapse around your commitments to change.
When this happens it's a kind of magic.
Momentum really builds as you choose to recommit.
What do you recommit to this week?
Much love,
Marijke Ocean
P.S. There is such a thing as over-committing. Check out my post about The Problem with Grit if this is more your speed.