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Marijke Kemble Marijke Kemble

This is just how it is.

Today I feel a little bit tired.

I used to argue with myself on days like this.

"You must be productive!"

Some days, this is how it is.

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Marijke Kemble Marijke Kemble

The Great Wait

Because I am a recovering compulsive do-er, I'm now a big proponent of slowing things down.

But lest my encouragement for you to slow your roll go too far, today I am offering a reminder about the costs of waiting.

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Marijke Kemble Marijke Kemble

Saying the hard things.

I am sharing a few practical examples for both life and work. Along with an invitation: How can you shift to more feedback and eliminate criticism?

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Marijke Kemble Marijke Kemble

I only control things I can't trust.

Sometimes before I can explain my understanding I can feel something is true. I know feelings aren't proof. And the scientist inside me always wants to register some heavy doubts about this "feeling of truth."

But I've grown to trust these feelings of truth more and more.

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Marijke Kemble Marijke Kemble

The latest books on my bedside table

It's been a while since I shared what books I've been reading. To be honest, my reading slowed down a bit and I had a lot of books in my queue.

But I've got some fresh momentum now and I'm excited to share!

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Marijke Kemble Marijke Kemble

Mo' experience, mo' problems

Humor me then as I suggest that it's not just more money causing's more life experience too!

Have you noticed yourself getting more (mentally) rigid as you age?

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Marijke Kemble Marijke Kemble

Is this dream worthy of my commitment?

An advanced train engine design WAS completed in 1853.

The efforts to discover this design propelled railway travel further in significant ways.

What dream is propelling you forward right now?

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Marijke Kemble Marijke Kemble

Got any secret dreams of being a writer?

I've got some longing in me for more practice, play, and creativity with my writing. And I've also got a (secret, until just now...) dream to publish a book.

Maybe you do too?

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Marijke Kemble Marijke Kemble

That was way harsh Tai...

One of the big teachings is how deadly criticism is for creativity, play, aliveness….even improvement.

But then another prompt is how powerful and important feedback is.

Who else out there has been thinking feedback and criticism are roughly the same thing?!?!?!

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Marijke Kemble Marijke Kemble

Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

Have you been dutifully figuring out how you can change yourself to be more happy, comfortable, or successful in your current situation?

Maybe you've been:

Working on your mindset. Sharpening your skills. Changing your perspective. Adding more joy & play. Increasing your presence. Delegating. Taking a day off. Adding more self-care.

In other've been doing anything in your power to feel better.

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Marijke Kemble Marijke Kemble

Taming the inner critic

When I first heard this story, I felt a surge of alertness, interest.

I needed to be reminded that - already within me - is the capacity to meet the world with kind curiosity.

Our brains do have a strong tendency to find fault & problems - it's true.

But we also have the wiring to bring a gentle and appreciative attention to life.

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