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Are you cut out for a purposeful career?
used to think maybe I wasn't cut out for a purposeful career.
I believed that people did have meaningful and purposeful work. In fact, I could really feel it when someone was passionate and committed and totally in the flow. And it was inspiring. I wanted it.
But, I had a suspicion that it wasn't for me.
What is your hard thing right now?
One thing I love about coaching is that we get to dedicate time to exploring our hardest thing.
By hardest thing, I mean the area of your life that feels the most unsettled. You may recognize it as an intractable challenge of some kind, some place you feel lost, or you may see it as a terrifying (or even exhilarating) learning edge.
When willpower isn't enough, try this.
I'm fascinated by how much my life is improved - my clients lives are improved - by small adjustments in habits and behaviors. Doing these these things consistently has a significant impact on my health, productivity, happiness, and well-being.
Are you craving this too?
We are all craving more creativity and flow.
I consider this a skillful craving. A longing for something wholesome and true.
And I am on a mission to help us all return to the place inside us that flows.
Getting Things Done
Time & productivity are always hot topics.
I sometimes hesitate to write too much about them because as I’ve told you before…I think we tend to overestimate how more time or productivity will solve bigger challenges - like a lack of purpose, engagement or vitality.
What feels true and certain right now?
So here's a little thought exercise: What feels true and certain to you right now?
And the common question we explore together:
How do I know if I should trust this thought/feeling?
Is it wisdom? Is it fear? Is it an excuse? Or some inner truth I need to take seriously?
Addicted to Action?
Science tells me it's true. Completing tasks activates the same short-term feel good dopamine circuitry that underpins other forms of addiction.
But, as I’ve mentioned before - all that doing is not necessary.
Turn this classic fail into a gold mine.
It’s February, which means that about 80% of our new year's resolutions have failed.
This could be a depressing statistic - hey, you might even be feeling a little down about some “failed” intentions right now - but I actually think resolution “failure” is a total gold mine for anyone really interested in change.
Make meetings 10x better
For the next meeting or conversation you have: What would you need to add or take away to make it 10x better?
What check-in would support you in moving toward that change?
Logic's Kryptonite
Fear is like logic's kryptonite.
You may not recognize it as fear, per se.
It may not look or feel like terror. And objectively you may see no real danger.
But if common sense is absent, fear is present.
Habit-Changing Tricks
We are habit collecting machines.
At a young age we start to develop little patterns that help us feel safe, make sense of the world, be liked and accepted, get what we want, etc..
Not a problem. This is what it is to be human.
Would you like to supersize that?
If you've been curious about a new way to think about productivity and time... you may have started to bump into other, related beliefs.